
Harmony was my semester-long group project for my Client-Side Web Development course and my first real experience working with JavaScript. Source code for Harmony can be found here. The goal of this project was to make a web-based interactive guitar tuner that can be used universally by both beginner and expert musicians.

My role in the group was as front-end developer. As such, I worked on the HTML, CSS, color scheme, layout, and visual JavaScript for the application. One of the most challenging but rewarding segments of the design process was creating the site logo. After testing many iterations of ideas, I was extremely pleased with the finalized concept. Another fun aspect of this project was adding the JavaScript audio visualizer to our home page using the Web Audio API. This animation brought the app's landing page to life and aligned perfectly with the app's theme. Working on Harmony opened up a new door for me to experiment with how JavaScript and jQuery can augment and enhance a user's visual experience.

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