Project Encore

Project Encore was my semester project for my Human-Computer Interaction class during my fourth year at Loyola University. The link to its repository can be found here. The goal of Project Encore was to redesign the Opera Touch mobile browser to elevate it to the same level as its desktop counterpart. Development steps for this project included research, paper and digital mockups, prototyping in Adobe XD, and conducting user and accessibility testing.

This project served as my jumping-off point into the world of User Experience. This was my introduction to crucial design concepts such as typography, mental models, consistency, accessiblity, usability, and more. Since the completion of this project, I have gone on to work in roles such as UI/UX Engineer and Senior UX Consultant, and I have refined my skills as a designer greatly over this time. Overall, the prospect of re-imagining the Opera Touch mobile app turned out to be a fantastic success!

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